Barcode prophecy
It's July of 2025. My name is Grace and I just turned 17. Yesterday I walked in to global-one HQ to make my appointment for my bar code tattoo.On my way up i ran in the the head owner of G-one. But,it's not like I haven't seen him before. Mr.Harrison and my dad were very good friends. When I told him I was getting the bar tattoo Just like my crush Eric he warned me not to. I payed no mind I made my appointment and went to tell my dad that I was not going to stay for my shift. Because he worked in a higher part of the building he did not have good cell service so I decide to go up the floor he was working on. The second elevator to get higher in the building wasn't working so I made sure to leave a message with the receptionist that was taking over my shift. Today is the day that I stop getting looked at as a child and get my tattoo.Although I was a little scared because before the tattoo had nanobots and trackers,the people who got it did not know that G-one was watching them. I finlly got the tattoo done and was on my way home. The house was empty and G-one police were serching the house. when they spotted me they started walking towards me. I did not knoe what to do so I decide to run, once I reached the end of the block I was out of breath. Then a van came out of no were at the same time Eric came and told me to get in the van. I trusted him and listen to what he told me to do. He then aked for my phone and through it out the window.I was mad,but he explained how the phone has a tracker in it and how the police could find me easily. It was hard being away from my family but finding my real on was better.With Eric and the rest of the Decode we fought off Global-one police.We also overcame an astroide.
Was it crazy?
But I enjoyed every moment,even if for most of the time I was living in fear.
Was it crazy?
But I enjoyed every moment,even if for most of the time I was living in fear.
Fantastic writing from your character's perspective. Great work!