bar code prophcey character analysis

Hi my name in Dusa I am part of the decode. We are against the Bar code tattoo. A few months back I got n trouble for sneaking people across the border to Canada.I got caught and had to change my name from Katie to dusa to keep G-1 police off my back.While I was in D.C I saw that some G-1 police were their to try and help "calm the crowed". As I was trying to get away from the police I saw some one familiar. It was Kayla. I had helped her find a safe to hide from police  because she wasn't bar coded. I looked like she got hit hard i picked her up and helped her to my van. I drove her ti a remote location where other decode members resided When I brought her in some people were mad because they saw her in a TV comical say that she loved her tattoo.I made sure that she didn't have one or wasn't covering it with make-up. once It was confirmed that she was clean I left her to rest.Once she was a bit more stabel she broughtit to my attention that she was not in D.C by her self and was not able to contact her friend.I sent some of the people from the decode to find them.


  1. I'm telling you...after you finish that book GIVE IT TO ME! There are some spelling mistakes, but it's still a great blog. And remember to...GIVE ME THE BOOK!...after you finish it of course.

  2. Your posts are making a lot of people interested in reading this book. Nice work!


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